Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families Logo

Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families

Division of Family Services

Information for Professionals

Law Enforcement

Picture of the I See the Signs Logo with a blue background and white text with a lowercase english letter "i"

How DFS works with Law Enforcement:

  1. DFS and/or law enforcement will conduct an investigation for any report that involves an offense against a child;
  2. The Department of Justice (DOJ) will decide if there is enough evidence to prosecute criminally or civilly; and
  3. Whenever appropriate, cases will also be referred to the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) for a forensic interview, medical exam, and/or mental health screening.

When more than one entity is involved in the same investigation, the participants are known as a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT).

MOU for the Multidisciplinary Response to Child Abuse and Neglect

Medical Personnel

Memorandum of Understanding between DFS and DHSS
Hospital High-Risk Medical Discharge Protocol

Mental Health / Developmental Disabilities

Memorandum of Understanding between DSCYF and DHSS
Birth to Three Memorandum of Understanding

Education Professionals

Memorandum of Understanding between DFS – DOE, local and charter schools

Memorandum of Understanding to Reduce Truancy