Pages Tagged With: "yrs"
YRS Quality Assurance Unit
Mission Successful Youth, Engaged Families, Safer Communities Goals Contact Information Grants, Programs or Outcome Measures Tracy Whitehouse Division Policy, COOP, ACA, or PREA Carrie Hyla SPEP™ Lauren Copeland FOCUS Expungements Eileen Welsh Statistical Reports Elizabeth Davolos
Grace Cottage
Grace/Snowden Cottages. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.
Community Services/Probation & Aftercare
Community Services, YRS. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.
New Castle County Detention Center
New Castle County Detention Center(NCCDC). The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.
Modified Positive Achievement Change Tool®
Community Services, YRS. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Contacts
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), DYRS Contacts. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Reports
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Reports. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.
Dispositional Guidelines For Juveniles
I. PURPOSE The Committee on Dispositional Guidelines for Juveniles (10 Del. C. § 1008) is responsible for developing guidelines for use in determining dispositions of juvenile offenders. The guidelines must include clear, consistent, and objective criteria for determining that the rehabilitation plan for a youth should include a period of secure incarceration. It was the […]
The Seven Challenges
What is The Seven Challenges? The Seven Challenges is a holistic, comprehensive counseling program for youth and young adults that incorporates work on drug problems, co-occurring problems and for remediating life skill deficits. Seven Challenges includes a health-decision making, cognitive/emotional, empowering model that guides youth through the process of weighing the benefits versus the harm […]
Ferris School
Ferris School is a secure care, ACA accredited treatment facility providing services for up to 72 court committed males, ages 13 to 18. The average length of stay is six months, followed by a six-week transition program. Youth committed to Ferris are identified as serious and/or chronic repeat offenders, who pose a risk to themselves […]