Pages Tagged With: "yrs"
Health, Wellness and Nutrition
The following information outlines guiding policies in our secure-care facilities: Civil Rights Complaint Form 1 Civil Rights Complaint Form 2 Ferris Health and Wellness Policy Respectful Workplace and Anti-Discrimination Policy Respectful Workplace and Anti-Discrimination Complaint Form USDA Nondiscrimination Statement Wellness Policy Assessment Tool
YRS Deputy Director Biography
Dr. Rebecca Richmond first began her career with the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families in 2008 as a psychologist at the New Castle County Detention Center through the Division of Prevention and Behavioral Health Services. Throughout her training and clinical experience, Dr. Richmond has worked in juvenile justice systems in Delaware […]
Delaware Child Psychiatry Access Program Enroll in DCPAP DCPAP Service Request Form Family Services Register to a Foster Care Information Session General Information Request Form Formulario de Solicitud de Información Prevention and Behavioral Health Services PRC Pamphlet Order Form Youth Rehabilitative Services JCC Initial Contact Form
Stevenson House Detention Center
Stevenson House Detention Center. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.
Snowden Cottage
Snowden Cottage. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.
Residential Cottages
Residential Cottages. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Resources
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Resource Links. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.
YRS Quality Assurance Unit
Mission Successful Youth, Engaged Families, Safer Communities Goals Contact Information Grants, Programs or Outcome Measures Tracy Whitehouse Division Policy, COOP, ACA, or PREA Carrie Hyla SPEP™ Lauren Copeland FOCUS Expungements Eileen Welsh Statistical Reports Elizabeth Davolos
Grace Cottage
Grace/Snowden Cottages. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.