Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families Logo

Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families

 Pages Tagged With: "Family Services"

Learn the Signs of Child Abuse

Learn the Signs of Child Abuse, Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware.

Information for Professionals

Child Abuse Intervention. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.

Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting in Delaware

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect in Delaware. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.

Our Kids Matter: Foster-Adopt-Love

Foster and Adoptive Families play a vitally important role to the children served by the Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families (DSCYF). Right now, though we don’t have enough families to give all of these children the loving, safe, and stable home that they need and deserve. We are actively recruiting for approximately 30 foster families and 80 adoptive families statewide.

Office of Children’s Services

Office of Children’s Services(OCS). The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.

Prevention Programs and Resources

Prevention Programs and Resources. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.

Heart Gallery

Heart Gallery. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.

Foster Care Responsibilities

The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.

Foster Care Supports

The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.

Foster Care

Foster Care. The Delaware Children’s Department, State of Delaware, provides integrated services for the health and well-being of Delaware’s children and their families.