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Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families

Division of Management Support Services


There is a separate list of contracting process frequently asked questions.

No, Delaware Code allows professional service purchases under $150,000 a year to be purchased on the open-market without the use of a competitive bidding process.

Although DSCYF cannot help you write your proposal nor can DSCYF review it before you submit it, DSCYF will allow previous proposals to be reviewed since they are part of the public record for the previous RFP. Such reviews are by appointment only. Proprietary and personal information will be redacted from any proposal to be reviewed. You can make an appointment for such a review by contacting the DSCYF Procurement Administrator via contact information on the page where you found this list of FAQs. Copying of any page(s) of a previous RFP will cost 25 cents per page.

DSCYF bids most of its services under Title 29 Chapter 69 Section 6981 Large professional service procurement process ( of the Delaware Code.  However, occasionally another section of the code is used for a service when it is more appropriate.  The governing section of the Delaware Code is identified in the Request for Proposals (RFPs).

Delaware code previously required statewide advertising once a week for two consecutive weeks for all RFPs.  However, as of 7/1/2011 Delaware Code now recognizes posting all RFPs to the State’s central solicitation portal at as meeting the advertising requirement for RFPs. 

The State of Delaware posts all active RFPs on its internet page at  In addition, you might want to review the available contract related information at

An individual or agency can register for State of Delaware procurement opportunity notifications by going to and following the instructions to register as described after clicking the plus “+” sign after the text “Click Here to Expand for More Information.”.

Yes, go to Delaware’s Office of Supplier Diversity (OSD) and register as such.

DSCYF usually includes in the RFP how long contracts are being awarded as a result of that RFP. Normally, this period will be three to five years; however, DSCYF reserves the right to re-bid a service at anytime it believes it to be in the best interest of the State. All awards made as a result of an RFP are based on satisfactory performance by the contractor and availability of funds for the service. If no specific period of time is announced in the RFP than the default period before the re-bid of the service is typically five years.

DSCYF often holds a bidders conference for some, but not all of its RFPs.  If a bidder’s conference is being held the date, time and location are posted at along with the RFP and within the RFP itself.  If the bidders conference is “MANDATORY” that information is also included where the date, time and location are announced.

You should contact the DSCYF Procurement Administrator.  The contact information is posted on both the DSCYF Contracting Information and Request for Proposals internet pages where you found this list of frequently asked questions.

No, incumbent bidders do not receive extra points simply for being the incumbent.  However, “experience, reputation, and demonstrated ability” is one area that gets scored during proposal review.  Therefore, depending on the incumbents past performance, being the incumbent may work for or against the bidder.

No, you do not need a business license at the time you submit your proposal.  However, you will be required to have all appropriate licenses before a contact can be signed if you are a successful bidder.

The due date for proposals is posted at where the RFP is found online and in the RFP itself.

No, but it is important to remember that the request for proposals process is competitive.  Although DSCYF is not required by code to select the lowest bidder, price is certainly an important factor in the selection process.  Though it is only a guideline, 10%-15% is the competitive statistical average for administrative cost in recent years.  However, you are free to propose an administrative cost that is appropriate for your agency.  DSCYF is not obligated to accept an administrative cost rate that has been negotiated with the federal government or any other agency or body.

Delaware Code prohibits DSCYF from accepting any bid that arrives after the submittal deadline.  The deadline is posted online and printed on the actual RFP itself.  Bids arriving late will be rejected and/or returned to the bidder.

Submitted proposals are expected to stand alone as written.  So, many times an agency will not hear anything until an award is announced.  However, at times a DSCYF review panel may elect to contact a bidder by phone for additional clarifying information.  DSCYF also reserves the right to invite select bidders to appear in person to answer questions generated by the panel regarding their proposal, agency capacity and experience, work history, etc.

DSCYF works as quickly as possible to make a final decision and announcements regarding awards as a result of an RFP.  The initial notification to all bidders, both successful and unsuccessful, will be by email.

All proposals become the property of the State of Delaware and are kept on file as part of the official procurement file for the RFP.  The initial notification to all bidders, both successful and unsuccessful, will be by email.

If you have questions not addressed above, please contact the DSCYF Procurement Administrator via the contact information on the DSYCF Contracting Information and Request for Proposals internet pages.