Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families Logo

Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families

Division of Prevention & Behavioral Health Services

Additional Resources

Resource Hub

The Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) provides Delaware public schools – which includes 19 school districts and 23 charter schools – with resources, professional development, grant access and more so that all Delaware students are ready for success in college, career and life.

The Delaware Healthy Children Program offers low-cost medical insurance to eligible families who cannot afford medical insurance and do not qualify for Medicaid.

For information call:

Health Benefits Manager 1-800-996-9969 or Division of Social Services 1-800-372-2022

The Delaware State Housing Authority provides, and assists others to provide quality, affordable housing opportunities and appropriate supportive services to low- and moderate-income Delawareans.

The Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities offers support for intergenerational caregivers and provides a Relative Caregivers’ Medical Authorization Affidavit that allows the non-parental caregiver to authorize and consent to the treatment of a child. Relative Caregivers may legally sign consent to treat if they obtain this affidavit. To request an affidavit, call the Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities at 1-800-223-9074 or download the affidavit here by visiting the website.

The Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health offers crisis intervention, prevention and treatment services to adults experiencing mental health, behavioral health, or substance misuse. Services are also available for aging and adults with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, Medicaid and medical assistance.

Medicaid clients and their families may contact the following for advocacy assistance and information:

Delaware Medicaid Consumer Hotline: 1-800-372-2022
Health Benefits Manager: 1-800-996-9969

The Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens website called the Delaware Disability Hub (DelDHub) website was created to assist students in the transition years, their parents or caregivers and professionals by providing resources, connections, guidance and information from around the country.

Autism Delaware advocates for and supports families and individuals with autism.

Phone: 302-224-6020
Fax: 302-224-6017

New Castle County
924 Old Harmony Road
Suite 201
Newark, DE 19713

Sussex County
17517 Nassau Commons Blvd.
Unit 1
Lewes, DE 19958

Champions for Children’s Mental Health is a Delaware-based, nonprofit organization offering peer support, trainings and resource information to families caring for a child/youth with mental or behavioral health needs.

Barbara Messick, Executive Director
(302) 503-7198

Delaware Family Voices supports families of children and youth with special healthcare needs, helping them to navigate complex healthcare and insurance issues, as well as providing connections to resources and other families.

Phone: (877) 235-3588
Phone: (302) 669-3030

222 Philadelphia Pike, Suite 11
Wilmington, DE 19809

The Disabilities Law Program (“DLP”) is a special project of Community Legal Aid Society, Inc., which is designated by the Governor as the Protection and Advocacy (“P&A”) agency in Delaware. The DLP provides advocacy services to Delaware residents with physical or mental disabilities.

Champions for Children’s Mental Health is a Delaware-based, nonprofit organization offering peer support, trainings and resource information to families caring for a child/youth with mental or behavioral health needs.

Barbara Messick, Executive Director
(302) 503-7198

The Coaches vs. Overdoses Initiative is a proactive prevention and drug disposal blitz in partnership with DisposeRx targeting opioid abuse and overdose deaths, especially among student athletes. 

Delaware211  connects people in Delaware to essential resources throughout the state. Their service is free, confidential, and available in multiple languages.

The Delaware Child Psychiatry Access Program (DCPAP) is a provider-to-provider resource that offers pediatric medical professionals with resources, guidance, and consultations with a child and adolescent psychiatrist or behavioral health team member.

The Delaware Council on Gambling Problems, Inc has important information about the number of youth involved in gambling in Delaware. Their website also has a hotline to call if you are wondering if a loved one has a gambling problem.

The Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) is authorized by Public Law 106-402 to address the unmet needs of people with developmental disabilities through system-wide advocacy, planning and demonstration projects.

Delaware Family Voices supports families of children and youth with special healthcare needs, helping them to navigate complex healthcare and insurance issues, as well as providing connections to resources and other families.

Phone: (877) 235-3588
Phone: (302) 669-3030

Delaware Family Voices

222 Philadelphia Pike, Suite 11
Wilmington, DE 19809

The Delaware Fire Marshal’s Office sponsors the Juvenile Fire-Setter Intervention Program.

HelpIsHere offers mental health, treatment and recovery resources that include crisis and emergency resources, support by phone, a search and comparison tool of providers and the locations for in-person bridge clinics.

The Mental Health Association provides information on mental health issues and information as well as advocate for community programming and improved services.

Mental Health Association in Delaware
Community Services Building
100 West 10th Street, Suite 600
Wilmington, DE 19801
Phone: 302-654-6833
Kent/Sussex: (800) 287-6423 offers a search tool for local NA meetings, and information and resources on addiction and paths to recovery. Search for Delaware meetings here.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness in Delaware (NAMI Delaware) provides information on mental illness, community services, support groups and advocacy components.

National Alliance on Mental Illness in Delaware (NAMI Delaware)
2400 W. 4th Street, Wilmington DE 19805
Phone: 302-427-0787
HelpLine: (888) 427-2643
Website:  Email:

The Nemours KidsHealth website has featured topics for parents, kids, teens and educators. Teens can find Best Self Resources here.  

The Parent Information Center of Delaware (PIC) is a private, non-profit organization funded by the U.S. and Delaware Departments of Education, State of Delaware, and private and corporate gifts. PIC provides education advocacy training for parents of children with disabilities, information on special education laws and processes, information on the rights and entitlements of persons with disabilities and disability awareness training for schools and communities. In addition, PIC sponsors a Parent-to-Parent Support program with support group meetings to help families cope with a disability in the family. PIC sponsors a statewide conference each year which focuses on issues and topics of interest to families of children with disabilities.

Parent Information Center of Delaware (Northern Delaware)
5570 Kirkwood Highway
Orchard Commons Business Center
Wilmington, DE 19808
Phone: (302) 999-7394 
FAX: (302) 999-7637

Parent Information Center of Delaware (Southern Delaware)
13 Bridgeville Road
Georgetown, DE 19947
Phone: 302-856-9880
FAX: 302-856-9882
Toll-Free (in Kent County): 1-888-547-4412

The State Council for Persons with Disabilities (SCPD) is located within the Delaware Department of Safety & Homeland Security. SCPD members work with other state, non-profit, for-profit, and community organizations to review federal and state policies, rules, regulations, and laws impacting Delawareans with disabilities. SCPD was established to promote better coordination of state services related to persons with disabilities and accomplishes its goals through a variety of committees and commissions.

Advocates for Youth is dedicated to creating programs and promoting policies which help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health. The Fact Sheets cover many topics such as dating violence, gay/lesbian/bisexual youth, gender bias, and peer education, as well as contraceptive use, sexual abuse, and adolescent childbearing.

AA Anonymous Meetings in Delaware helps individuals struggling with alcoholism find the help they need on a local basis.

The Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law maintains a “Children’s Issues” section on their website which contains information which is of interests to children and their families.

Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) contains information about the disorder and how to get help. It also lets you know about support groups in your area.

DrugWatch lists organizations dedicated to raising awareness about drug and alcohol abuse prevention. offers a search tool for local NA meetings, and information and resources on addiction and paths to recovery. Search for Delaware meetings here.

Narcotics Anonymous offers a search tool for local and national NA meetings.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) provides information on mental illness, community services, support groups and advocacy components.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
3803 N. Fairfax Drive, Suite 100 Arlington, VA 22203
Main: 703-524-7600
Fax: 703-524-9094
HelpLine: 800-950-6264

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network brings together the newest research on the signs, symptoms and treatment for children who have experienced trauma. There is a special section on their website for parents.

The National Mental Health Association Information Center provides information on mental health issues and information as well as advocate for community programming and improved services.

National Mental Health Association Information Center
1021 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-2971
Phone: 703-684-7722
Fax: 703-684-5968
Toll-free: 800-969-6642
TTY: 800-433-5959

Parents, the Anti-Drug has everything a parent should know about drug abuse from how to talk about drugs and alcohol with your child to recognizing the signs and symptoms of substance abuse.

The National Institute of Mental Health supports national research in the prevention and treatment of mental health problems.

Partnership for Addiction offers parents and caregivers tips on preventing substance use to guidance on managing recovery from addiction. Their Playbook for Parents of Teens offers information and resources to help you raise safe and healthy kids. Here, you’ll learn how to address challenges such as mental health problems, behavioral issues, stress from social media, peers, difficult family circumstances and substance use.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) is the Federal agency that leads national efforts to improve prevention and mental health treatment services for all Americans.  SAMHSA’s Center for Mental Health Services and the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention provide guidance and technical assistance to DPBHS to ensure quality and effective service delivery.

The Trevor Project website provides information and support for LGBTQ youth 24/7 year round. Their Resource Center offers search capability for articles of interest, and they offer an online community called TrevorSpace for LGBTQ youth ages 13-24 to make friends in a moderated community. Counselors are also available via chat, telephone or text.

There when you need it.

10 Warning Signs to look out for to help a friend. Click image to view printable PDF.
Click image to view printable PDF

Resource Links

Taking Charge of Your Wellbeing

Source: TeensHealth from Nemours

image of rocks exercising

The Nemours KidsHealth website has featured topics for parents, kids, teens and educators. Teens can find Best Self Resources here.

The Trevor Project website provides information and support for LGBTQ youth 24/7 year round. Their Resource Center offers search capability for articles of interest, and they offer an online community called TrevorSpace for LGBTQ youth ages 13-24 to make friends in a moderated community. Counselors are also available via chat, telephone or text.