DSCYF’s Division of Prevention and Behavioral Health Launches a THC (and Marijuana) Prevention Art Poster Contest

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The DSCYF THC (and Marijuana) Prevention Art Poster contest engages youth in learning the facts about THC and Marijuana Products and allows them to share important information with their peers. High potency THC use can negatively impact brain development, mental health and academic performance and increase the likelihood of addiction, driving while impaired and future misuse of other substances (such as opioids). THC use has been shown to cause temporary and long-term psychosis (hallucinations, delusions). Factors that increase the negative effects of these products are age and frequency of use, as well as the potency of the product.

Through the use of art, DSCYF aims to raise awareness about Marijuana and high-potency THC Products and their impact on the developing brain. Middle and High School students across Delaware are invited to submit their artwork (all forms of art are accepted) with THC prevention messaging. These youth-created posters will inform young people of the facts so they can make healthy choices about substance use. A panel will review all submissions and select a winner in both the Middle School and High School categories. In addition to a prize, the winning posters will be printed and placed on display in schools across the state and will also be featured at the upcoming THC Awareness Conference in April.

Flyer - PBH poster making contest to educate and promote the prevention of TCH use in Delaware. Submissions due 2/28/2025.
THC poster making contest flyer.
Click flyer to view a printable PDF.

How to Join the Contest

  • Posters should educate and promote the prevention of TCH use in Delaware.
  • All art forms are welcome (painting, watercolor, digital, etc.)
  • Please direct any questions and contest submissions to DSCYF’s Prevention Unit to: pbhs_prevention_inquiries@delaware.gov
  • Submissions due by February 28, 2025!
  • **NOTE: Contestants should include their name, grade, school, and best contact number when submitting their artwork.

THC Resources

More information and facts about THC use can be found at: https://johnnysambassadors.org/

The Dirty Dozen: Negative Impacts of Teen Marijuana Use: https://johnnysambassadors.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/9-HS-The-Dirty-Dozen-Negative-Impacts-of-Teen-Marijuana-Use.pdf

If you or someone you know are in need of substance use services, please visit https://www.helpisherede.com/